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Marley is the co-founder of The YouTube Lead Machine with Steve J Larsen. Their mission is to help entrepreneurs unlock the immense business-building power of YouTube and transform their businesses into daily lead generation engines and money-printing machines!


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Comparing yourself to other entrepreneurs? Had a friendship end due to your own business growth? Let’s talk about jealousy in business. 

Hey everybody! This is Marley Jaxx and welcome to the world of video, impact, and profit – or as I like to call it, the VIP Code. 

Before we jump into today’s episode, if you’re a visionary entrepreneur looking to jumpstart your impact and profit, make sure you head to to learn more about my 21 Days To Infinite Video Impact Challenge. 

When I was first starting my business, I had this one friend who started her business at around the same time… and at first, it was so much fun. We’d both support each other, build each other up, and work alongside each other. 

Especially as a female entrepreneur, it was so nice to have someone who was fighting the same battles that I was, facing the same overwhelm that I was, and having success right along with me. 

But then, something changed. All of a sudden, I noticed that she wasn’t celebrating the same victories as me. She wasn’t as excited for me. In fact, she seemed jealous of my success.

The truth was: my business was growing faster than hers… and whether she knew it or not, she was gradually erasing me from her life for that… and that really hurt.

I’m telling you this because I feel it’s important for you to know, especially when you’re starting out as an entrepreneur… that people will be jealous. You will lose friends, but not for the reasons you’d think. 

When we set out to become entrepreneurs, we’re worried about the sacrifices we’ll make. Will we lose friends if we can’t hang out with them as often? Will we still have time to spend with our families? But the truth is, your time sacrifice is short term. Your friends will still be your friends, even if you’re busy in the short term. But you might lose friends to JEALOUSY – because jealousy is a whole other monster.  

If you have a good content strategy behind you, then your time sacrifice as an entrepreneur should be short term. By following the strategies I teach in my 21-day challenge, for example, you learn how to set your entire content strategy on autopilot so that you actually have time for the things you love doing. So if you’re following a strategy like that and you STILL lose a friend… my guess is they’re jealous of you.  

Someone might see your dreams as a direct threat to theirs… and they might choose to exit your life for that reason alone. That’s a hard pill to swallow, but you can also make a choice here. 

Instead of leaning into that jealousy or comparing yourself to other entrepreneurs, stay in your lane. Support your entrepreneur friends. Recognize that their success is your success, because that’s what a good friendship is built on. 

My best friend today is Rachel Pedersen – otherwise known as the Queen of Social Media. We’re both entrepreneurs, and that fact alone makes our friendship even stronger.

If you want to start driving massive impact and profit through video for your business so you have more time in your life for the things and people you love, head to now to learn more about my 21 Days To Infinite Video Impact Challenge!

Thank you so much for listening to the VIP Code! Be sure to subscribe to this podcast, share it with your friends and on social media; we have a lot of really exciting VIP content coming your way. Until next time, I’m Marley Jaxx and this has been the VIP Code podcast.