There are some people that are just natural-born entrepreneurs and they know it from the day they step foot into the world.
That wasn’t me.
I discovered the world of entrepreneurship and video marketing by accident.
Just a few short years ago, I was a dental hygienist, cleaning teeth every day with my head in the clouds, dreaming of how I would leave this nine-to-five.
Then it happened, I had an idea that changed everything for me.
Before we get to the process, you’ve got to realize that the process of getting there and capitalizing on it wasn’t easy.
I spent those days working somewhere that most people don’t like going. Think about – how is in a good mood to go to the dentist?!
So working for one wasn’t the most entertaining thing to do every day either.
Some people are pretty cranky when they go to the dentist, so it was my goal to make them laugh and if a joke or a story wouldn’t work on one patient, I would tweak it and try it for another. It’s like split-testing comedy.
Along the way, I’ve worked in radio, event management, and even had a short stint as a paparazzi assistant.
None of them glamourous or fulfilling.
The truth is that I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up.
But I knew that I wanted to reach more people than the one at a time in my dental chair. Being a dental hygienist paid the bills and it was a great option for me until I figured out what my next step was.
Since I was bored, I started doing our dental office’s social media between patients just for fun and to pass the time, just because I knew how. But I had no idea that this little thing I was doing just to pass time was about to be my big break.
People started to take notice of what I was doing and the office started to get a following on social media. Shortly after that, the referrals started to roll in, and I started to realize that this could be something special – that I could be something special.
Well, in the very first episode of The VIP Code podcast, I am going to tell you how I went from being a dental hygienist to the CEO of my own seven-figure video marketing agency.
Click play above or find it on your favorite app here.
Key points discussed:
- I was cleaning teeth all day and dreaming… (2:42)
- When I had this epiphany and fully realized what I was meant to do (3:59)
- Not being good enough to help people build their businesses (4:50)
- When it came to video creation, I bootstrapped the whole way (6:16)
- Within two months, some of the videos started to get a ton of views (6:37)
- I learned about video marketing’s game-changing potential (7:04)
- There were plenty of hiccups along the way – actually, more than hiccups (7:32)
- Building reality from daydreams (8:53)
- You deserve to have content that actually works for you (9:16)
- YouTube is a long-term game; you can’t expect to go viral overnight (10:18)
- I want to enable visionaries like you to lead your movement (11:58)
- Realize that you’re currently living your origin story (11:14)
- Sign up for the Infinite Impact Challenge at InfiniteImpactChallenge.com (12:31)
Learn More:
00:00 I discovered entrepreneurship and video marketing by accident. Just a few short years ago, I was a dental hygienist, cleaning teeth every day with my head in the clouds, dreaming of how I would leave this nine-to-five when I had an idea that changed everything for me.
00:20 You’ve probably been told that content is key to growing your business, right? There are so many experts who spend a ton of time cranking out incredible content consistently and yet they’re broke. See, there’s a huge difference in growing your following and growing your income. How do you create content in a way that actually gets you paid over and over again, like turning every video into an army of salesmen that deliver your perfectly crafted message around the world, around the clock, perpetually forever. I’m Marley Baird and you’re listening to The VIP Code.
00:57 Hey everybody, this is Marley Baird, and welcome to the world of video impact and profit, or as I like to call it, the VIP code. This is the very first episode of the VIP Code podcast. I couldn’t be more excited to get this thing going. So in this episode I want to tell you a little bit about me. Maybe some of you already follow me on social media, checking out my attempted stand-up comedy on my Instagram stories, or you subscribe to my weekly YouTube videos. Or maybe this is the very first time you’re hearing my voice. Either way, I want to tell you a little bit about who I am and how I came to be the CEO of my own video marketing agency. But before we jump in, I want to tell you about my Infinite Video Impact Challenge – driving profit with massive impact through video. This is a revolutionary new marketing strategy that teaches you how to create a video that acts as an army of salesmen that generates leads for life, and it’s been designed especially for the aspiring entrepreneurs, agency owners and influencers out there who are looking to take their video marketing to the next level.
01:56 More on that later. For right now, let’s jump into how I went from being a dental hygienist to the CEO of my own seven-figure video marketing agency. Well, let me tell you, it wasn’t an easy process. There was a time, just a few short years ago, when I was Marley Baird, the dental hygienist, and I didn’t love working at a dental office. Most people don’t like going to the dentist. So working for one wasn’t the most entertaining thing to do every day either. But after working in radio, event management, and even a short stint as a paparazzi assistant, yes. Seriously, that’s a whole other story for a whole other podcast. The truth is I didn’t know what, what I wanted to be when I grew up. I was cleaning teeth all day and like daydreaming. I think that’s where I learned how to tell stories in like split tests.
02:51 My jokes, some people are pretty cranky when they go to the dentist, so it was my goal to make them laugh and if a joke or a story wouldn’t work on one patient, I would like tweak it and try it for another. It’s like split testing comedy. Oh yeah. So I wanted to make people laugh and make a difference in their day and then break through to them. And hear their stories, which is a hard thing to do. Firstly, to get people vulnerable. And second, when you’re a dental hygienist and the majority of the time your hands are supposed to be in their mouth. Anyway. I knew that I wanted to reach more people than the one at a time in my dental chair. Being a dental hygienist, paid the bills and it was a great option for me until I figured out what was my next step.
03:34 So because I was bored, I started doing our dental offices, social media between patients just for fun, just because I knew how, but I had no idea that this was about to be my big break. This little thing that I was doing just to pass the time. Then became a little side hobby and it was actually gaining some really good traction for the dental office online. So with every new Facebook post or Instagram photo, our audience started to grow and my team began to notice too and soon after it, the guy for the dental office, he noticed and he said, he asked if he could refer me to some of his other clients. Well, he referred me to all of his clients and then they referred me to their friends and clients and before I knew it, I had this full-blown side hustle on my hands and that’s when I had this epiphany and fully realized what I meant to do at heart.
04:26 I’m an amplifier. I want to empower entrepreneurs and agency owners and influencers to spread their messages and build their movements and grow their businesses. I was so excited to give this opportunity my all, but I also like couldn’t believe that people would actually pay me to help them to use social media to grow their businesses. I had serious imposter syndrome in those days. I thought I wasn’t good enough to help people build their businesses. I thought I didn’t know enough to run an entire business built around social media. I didn’t think I had the supposed credentials to step into my power and build a business like this, but I, Oh, I never could have imagined how rewarding it would be to implement my own strategy for these game-changing entrepreneurs and see that impact and the profit that my work helped to bring to their businesses.
05:17 So a few short months into starting my social media marketing business, I realized I needed to have better control over my lead generation. Like I had a ton of referrals, which is amazing, but I’d heard about like different lead generation techniques and how you should be able to turn it on like a faucet when you need more traffic or clients or revenue. I thought that sounds great. So I started making videos thinking that I just need to get more visible. I had a friends or clients asking common questions, so I would make videos answering them kind of like two birds with one stone. So it could be like, Hey, here’s a video where I answered that like here’s this tutorial or this training. And then it would also post them everywhere to get more visible. It’s funny, most of these videos are like pretty poor quality, but I mean a for it with enthusiasm and attempted comedy.
06:04 If you scroll back to the bottom of my YouTube channel and while you’re there, why not subscribe while you’re at it? You can see these videos where I’m like wearing a fake mustache and some of them just trying to be entertaining and educational. And also I bootstrapped the whole way. All these videos were filmed on my iPhone, which was propped up on a stack of books on a chair while my husband boyfriend at the time, poor we were married, stood behind with a lamp with no lampshade in the basement suite of my grandfather’s house that we lived in humble beginnings. Good times. So I would post these videos on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, not really with the strategy, more of a spray and pray technique, not the best lead generation, but you’ve got to start somewhere. I think we’ve all done it. And within a couple of months, some of these videos started to get a ton of views on YouTube.
06:54 I didn’t realize it at the time, but I had titled some of these videos with good SEO, with keywords that people were actually searching for all day, every day on Google and YouTube, so it didn’t take me long to learn that there’s huge potential here that YouTube and video marketing could offer businesses just like mine, and I learned how valuable YouTube could be by posting my own evergreen videos that still earned me revenue to this day and I knew I could reverse engineer that same process and double down on video marketing for my clients. This story that I’m telling you might sound like I went from a nine to fiver to an entrepreneur and CEO in 10 seconds flat, but that absolutely was not the case at all. There were plenty of hiccups along the way, actually more than hiccups. I think as entrepreneurs, we all know what it’s like to experience obstacles that feel like taller than skyscrapers, but here we are today all the better for it.
07:46 I’ve had plenty of experiences that led me to pivot my business or shift my value ladder to keep up in the market and better serve my clients in the moment. Going back to the drawing board can feel terrifying, especially when there might be a situation where you have to say goodbye to a valuable team member or reevaluate an offer that you worked so hard on, or your campaign or your funnel just completely fails. It takes a lot of strength and courage to start over, but when you do push through, it’s so rewarding. Every single time your team benefits your business benefits and your client’s benefit. So if you’re in a stage right now where you’re pivoting or maybe you feel like you keep falling on your face, the last thing I want you to do is beat yourself up for not being good enough to achieve every goal that you set for your business.
08:37 Think back to where you were five years ago and I’m willing to bet you’ve come a long way. Five years ago, I was a dental hygienist and a daydreamer and attempted stand up comedian. My jokes may still be mediocre, but since that time I’ve been able to build a reality from daydreams. So if you’re still in your nine to five, let me be the first to confirm that the little voice in your head that says you deserve more is true. Let me be the first to say that your message is worth hearing. If you’re building your legacy or creating a movement, you know that you deserve better than a mediocre content strategy. You deserve to have content that actually works for you, earns you ROI, and actually allows you to work less so you can spend more time on the things that matter are the people that matter.
09:26 If you’ve been stuck in a hamster wheel pushing out your content, but your moment hasn’t happened yet, this isn’t the end. You can get yourself on stuck and six months from now, a year from now, five years from now, you’ll be so glad that you started today. My goal for this podcast is to go further than just inspiring you to achieve consistency with your content. I want to help you take the next step in your business. Whether that means amping up your side hustle, building out your irresistible offers, your value ladder, your visibility ladder, the indoctrination engine, or offering a high ticket video marketing service to your clients. No matter where you are in your business, I want to position you to turn your content into evergreen sales tools that allow you to make an impact and earn income on autopilot. With each new episode, I want to show you the exact strategies that you need to create highly profitable content that is expertly crafted to spread your message and capable of getting you the leads that you always dreamed of.
10:18 If you’re just starting out, you can’t expect your agency or your content strategy to win every day for the rest of eternity. There will be hiccups. There will be skyscrapers, there will be shifts, but you’ll be rewarded and you’ll be able to build that legacy. If you press on, I need to tell you that especially when it comes to vanity or lead focused metrics, YouTube is a longterm game. You can’t expect to go viral overnight or get your first video on the first page of YouTube. Search for a short tail keyword in a popular niche. Insert words like that are highly unlikely, but what I love about YouTube for entrepreneurs though is it checks your commitment. It has the highest barrier to entry of any platform out there. So how committed are you to your longterm growth to investing in autopilot assets that mean that you can own attention instead of rent attention online when you’re creating valuable content using my VIP code tools, your audience, no matter their size, will recognize it and like comment and share.
11:17 Even if it’s just one comment at first, know that you’ve just transformed that person’s day. Gradually that one person will turn it two people and your audience is going to grow right before your eyes. You’re going to look back on today. The first day you started listening to this podcast as the day that your perspective shifted. Today’s the day that you put your ideas into action and set your future content strategy into motion. By putting these ideas into action, I was able to turn my small side hobby into a full blown video marketing agency. Over the years I’ve gotten to work with incredible entrepreneurs like Cristy Code Red, Alex Charfen, Damon John, Steven Larsen, Rachel Peterson, and so many other impact-driven, profit-focused entrepreneurs. And I want to enable other visionaries like you to step into your power and lead your movement. So, whether you’re daydreaming in your nine-to-five like I was, or working to build your content strategy, subscribing to this podcast is the first step to giving your message the megaphone it deserves.
12:14 Realize that you’re currently living your origin story, and the leads, ROI and movement you’ve been dreaming of building are about to unfold. And if you’re looking for a program that teaches you how to make the most impact in the least amount of time, I have just the thing. I just launched a brand new challenge called Infinite Video Impact – driving profit with massive impact through video. It’s packed with over $3,000 worth of strategies to help position your content in a way that indoctrinates and generates leads for your business over and over on autopilot. This is the best way to get started, and I’m giving away some extremely valuable bonuses for those of you who sign up after listening to this podcast. So go to InfiniteImpactChallenge.com, and sign up now to instantly receive three exclusive pieces of content from me, all about how to indoctrinate your audience, how to write the best YouTube scripts, and how to turn your YouTube videos into profitable assets that you can count on to bring in qualified leads for your business. And that’s just the bonus content. There is so much more value coming your way with this challenge next week, so head to InfiniteImpactChallenge.com to learn more and sign up.
13:21 Thanks so much for listening to The VIP Code podcast. Do you have a question that you’d like me to answer raw and uncut on the podcast? All you need to do is head over to Apple podcast and do three simple things. First, leave a rating and review telling me what you think about the podcast, and in that review, ask anything you want related to YouTube, video marketing or content generation, and if you want to shout out, leave your Instagram handle or name, that’s all. Then listen in to hear your question answered on the next Q and A episode. Join us next time on The VIP Code podcast.