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Marley is the co-founder of The YouTube Lead Machine with Steve J Larsen. Their mission is to help entrepreneurs unlock the immense business-building power of YouTube and transform their businesses into daily lead generation engines and money-printing machines!


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Should You Start a YouTube Channel in 2019? (Pros and Cons to Starting a Channel Today)

Should You Start a YouTube Channel in 2019? (Pros and Cons to Starting a Channel Today)


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You already know that YouTube is one of the best platforms to use to build your following and scale your business. Video marketing is huge and still on the rise and even with these numbers, I still get the question, “Should I start a YouTube channel? What kind of content do I put out there? What do I talk about? Hasn’t it already been done before?” Nope.

“Should you start YouTube channel?” Well, that depends. Do you have an impactful message to get on to the world? And do you want to make a difference in other people’s lives? Do you want to make money on YouTube and have a platform that you can scale from anywhere at any time of the day, any day of the week, and build your business? If you said yes to either of these questions, then you absolutely should start a YouTube channel but I’m going to explain to you the constrains that most people have and why you don’t have to let that hold you back.

So constraint number one, but it’s already been done. Here’s the thing, you don’t have to have an original idea to have an original idea because even if it’s the same idea as someone else’s, it hasn’t been executed your way. Imagine if the founders of Apple or Netflix thought the same thing about their industry? How many books do you see on the shelves about weight loss or how to start a business? When someone is interested in a certain topic, they’re going to read all of the books, watch all of the videos, and acquire all of the possible resources on that particular topic, and that’s why you need to do what you need to do because you have a different story to share, you have different elements that you can bring to their lives and that’s why they need to hear your message.

Constraint number two, what if it fails? Yes, it very well might and it probably will a few times before you succeed. But then the other question is what if you do succeed? You’ll never know unless you try. I have done multiple videos, so many videos that flopped and then I also have amazing videos that bring me thousands of leads every single week. You have to fail but fail forward and that’s when you’re going to find your success.

Constraint number three, imposter syndrome. We all have it when we start something new but you have to remember every expert started as a beginner so when I started using YouTube, I had the intention of using YouTube so that I can get my name out there and I could spread my message and get more visible so I can get more clients. And I had no idea that the exposure that it was going to bring me, that these videos weren’t just videos that I’d post once and they drown in the algorithm kind of like how it does when you post something on Facebook or Instagram but these videos last longer, months, years, that people still find some of my videos from four years ago to this day and downloads the link in the comments and that they sign up for my email list, they nurture, they become customers, they become die-hard fans but you have to start somewhere and we all have that, “Am I good enough to do this? Or who am I to do this?” But if you went out it with that frame of mind, I mean, why would you write a book because Oprah’s already written one? You have your own message, you have your own message to share, you have your own audience that needs to hear it. So whenever you feel like the imposter, think of all the people that you look up to that they’ve made a difference in their lives and remember that they’ve all gone through it too. And even as you continue to grow in your business or continue to grow in whatever your pursuits are, there’s going to be a new level of imposter syndrome. It’s like you have the level of imposter syndrome when you start, then even when you start to succeed. There’s a whole new set of challenges and it’s just one that you keep outgrowing and one that you keep, you continue to go through. As you hit those new levels, you learn and it’s a new level, new devil, a new challenge, a new peak, you can do it.

Understand that regardless of how many people are in your industry, no matter what your competition is, you have something to offer that will give value to someone and make a difference in their life. This means that you have the ability and the potential to find success in whatever it is that you’re offering so it’s time to look at it as not a constraint but as an inspiration to say, “If others can do it, I can too.”

If you haven’t yet started your YouTube channel, please subscribe to my channel because I have a ton of videos, teaching you how to make the most of your YouTube videos, how to script them, how to film them, how to get help so that you’re not doing it yourself, and how to generate leads and sales so that you can use YouTube as a lead generation machine. And I also want to show you the exact steps that we use step-by-step for how we generate leads and sales and grow our own business and all of our client’s businesses using the VIP code. VIP stands for Video Impact Profit and you can get that here.

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