What’s All the Hype Around Storytelling Anyway?
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From the beginning of time, stories have been used to pass down messages, maintain truth, and cultivate a following through generations. They transcend time and space, cross cultures and societies. They’re powerful and impactful. But lately, it seems storytelling has become a buzzword, used as a marketing tool, allowing brands to connect with their audience to a more intimate degree.
For us visionary entrepreneurs, storytelling is an essential part of getting our message to resonate and creating impact around the purpose of our business. If you’ve watched my other videos, you’ll know that I like to dig deeper than a surface answer and mine the truth of what prevents you from taking action.
So, let’s start there.
What is holding you back from really telling your story? Not the elevator pitch version, not the buzzword story, but the one that’s true and vulnerable. The one that holds power and change in the very narrative of it.
Maybe you believe that it’s simply not impactful enough or that everyone else has a story worth telling, except for you. But to both of those: I call bull. I don’t think those are the real reasons, you’re holding back. The real reason, I believe, you haven’t shared your true message yet, is that holding on to your story gives you a false sense of security. That holding on to your negative experiences is an excuse, allowing you to stay in your comfort zone, no matter how unhealthy that zone may be.
The old stories you tell yourself, are familiar and safe. You hold on to them, because it’s easier, even if they no longer serve you. “I wish I can… I’m not self-disciplined, so… I’m not successful, because...“
But the truth is, your old stories are just that: stories.
That when you choose to share them, it can have a positive impact on someone else’s life and situation. The best way to tell your story, is to own each and every one of them. When you own them, you no longer fall victim to them. You can use the lessons from your past to create a better life and reinvent yourself.
So, which story are you holding on to that is limiting you and depriving your audience of growth?
If you want to own your story and share with those that need to hear it, I’ve written a free handbook for you, available to download here. Go, get my Thought Leader handbook right now.
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