The truth is, whether you realize it yet or not, you have an advantage over celebrities and influencers right now… even if you’ve never created consistent content before! Let’s talk about why.
Hey everybody! This is Marley Jaxx and welcome to the world of video, impact, and profit – or as I like to call it, the VIP Code.
We all know we’re living in a weird time right now, but I’ve been focusing the last couple of podcast episodes on how you can use this time to your advantage to drive impact and profit for your business. Today let’s talk specifically about why you have the upper hand on social media right now – even against celebrities and top influencers. But first, if you’re looking for a way to drive impact and profit through video for your business, make sure to head to InfiniteImpactChallenge.com and join the next challenge! Joining the Infinite Impact Army is truly the best and most cost-effective way to grow your business – and it’s a great way to pass these quarantined days! So join us at InfiniteImpactChallenge.com for the next challenge!
So we’ve all probably opened at least a hundred emails at this point that start with “In these uncertain times…” or “We’re living in unprecedented circumstances…” or some variation of “Things aren’t great in the world right now.”
And this is all true! These times are uncertain, strange, overwhelming, stressful, scary… and whatever you’re feeling, it’s so important to feel that. I don’t want to discount that at all. But if you’re staying home, practicing social distancing, and staying safe if you do have to go on an essential trip to the grocery store or something – if you’re doing all these things, then you’re doing everything in your control to help.
But now that you’re inside your home and maybe you’re running out of surfaces to clean or puzzles to do, you have a choice to make.
You can either think of this as a time of pause – a time to let go of your side hustle and give up on your dreams… at least temporarily.
But here’s your other option – you could start making impactful content today.
And I know what used to feel possible for you and your career might be feeling like nothing more than a pipe dream now. And I know that your vision might feel clouded with everything that’s going on in the world.
But I want you to remember that some of the world’s biggest companies like Disney have pulled their ads for the moment due to the global impact of COVID-19. You have this huge opportunity to claim that spot and make sure your message is heard.
So while you may feel discouraged or less productive than normal, know that just by making a small effort and moving the needle just a little bit, you can drive a massive impact for your audience and profit for your business.
But here’s an even bigger reason to create content. We’re seeing our favorite celebrities and influencers going live on Instagram, posting more videos on YouTube, or even setting up their own variety shows to help entertain their audiences and raise money for charity.
But what do you have that these celebrities are missing? Relatability. When celebrities are hanging out in their games room or the 18th bedroom of their mansion, their audience tunes out. They might be entertained by the content, but it’s not something they can easily relate to their own life, which means it’s not going to impact them long-term. So audiences have their walls up; they won’t trust your opinion unless they can relate to you.
As usual, especially with video marketing, you might not see instant success overnight. And in fact, you don’t want that viral kind of success. You want long-term, sustainable success that you can count on, and now is the best time to plant the seeds for that.
The best thing you can do right now is make an attempt to relate to your audience. Document your experience of this pandemic and everything surrounding it in real time. Don’t make it a highlight reel – just show them what it means to be authentic, vulnerable, and relatable in a time of uncertainty. If your audience can relate to you, they will grow to know, like, and trust you. Right now, people are actively seeking connection. If they can find connection in you, you’re golden.
I’ve noticed a dramatic increase in DMs and messages over the past month from people who appreciate my Facebook Lives or my podcast, or maybe they just want to check in on me. Again, everybody’s wanting to make a connection and I’m so glad to see that my content is filling a kind of void for my audience and helping them get through this.
And if you’re looking to join a whole community of visionary entrepreneurs who are determined to drive massive impact and profit through video, join the Infinite Impact Army at InfiniteImpactChallenge.com! Our next challenge is starting soon, and you can get all the details at that link!
Thank you so much for listening to the VIP Code! Be sure to subscribe to this podcast, share it with your friends and on social media; we have a lot of really exciting VIP content coming your way. Until next time, I’m Marley Jaxx and this has been the VIP Code podcast.