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Marley is the co-founder of The YouTube Lead Machine with Steve J Larsen. Their mission is to help entrepreneurs unlock the immense business-building power of YouTube and transform their businesses into daily lead generation engines and money-printing machines!


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Youtube Advertising: How To Advertise On YouTube

YouTube Advertising: How To Advertise On YouTube

FREE DOWNLOAD: YouTube Video Checklist

FREE DOWNLOAD: The Ultimate Content Share Worthiness Checklist

YouTube is the largest video search engine owned by Google so this is a platform that you would highly benefit from investing your time into. Its a great way to reach your audience and also be discovered by a potential customer when you’re creating videos to match keywords that people are searching for daily on Google.

One of the common questions I get though is should I place ads on YouTube? Today, I’m sharing with you the secret of advertising on YouTube. How does YouTube run Ads? Well there are three parties involved in this. Creators who make the content. Advertisers who place Ads on YouTube. And YouTube who runs the medium.

Every time a new video is uploaded YouTube looks at the description, title, tags to decide what category this video belongs to. At the same time advertisers tell YouTube what category of video they want to be placed in. And here is where the magic of YouTube happens. YouTube gets to play matchmaker. YouTube matches the Ad to the content where the user will most likely take the action the advertiser wants. This programmatic buying technique allows advertisers to hit the right target audience even better than TV. This algorithm is a bidding process where the Ad placements are sold off to the bidder where YouTube stands to make the most money. Video placements are now cheaper than ever before for the advertisers but should you advertise on YouTube? YouTube has a massive global following. It has an impressive reach and video plays a key role in connecting with your audience.

According to HubSpot more than 97% of users say that video help them understand a product or service. Even more surprising more than 80% have said that they’d be convinced to purchase a product or service after watching a branded video. So if that has you convinced how do you start advertising on YouTube?

There are different ways to advertise on YouTube.

TrueView ads are the most common and effective way which you can access from your Google AdWords account. According to Google those who use TrueView ads have their views increased by up to 500%. TrueView ads are great for impressive reach customization and are cost effective. Unlike other advertising formats you only pay once your video is viewed. There are three types of TrueView ads.

  1. In-Stream Ads. These are videos that appear before, during, or after other videos. After five seconds, viewer has the option to skip the Ad he or she is viewing.
  2. Discovery Ads. These are the Ads that promote the video in areas where audiences are looking to find relevant videos. From the term discovery, your video will be placed on search results, related videos, recommended videos, etcetera.
  3. Bumper Ads. These are invasive, non-skippable ads that are usually up to six seconds long and usually the ones that annoy people the most because you can’t skip them. They’re used for short and memorable messages and views have to watch your entire ad before the video can be viewed.

Now that you know the types of Ads how do you succeed in YouTube using these formats?

Have strong branding in the first three seconds of the video. Because you only pay once a viewer watches the entire 30 seconds or if they interact with the ad, its best to have strong branding at the beginning of the video to maximize your reach. Place your logo and ad title at the beginning. By having a strong lead within the video people will be aware of your products and service without having to pay for it.

Have the best quality video. YouTube videos that have high production value and quality have more engaged audiences. Make sure they’re mobile optimized and create content that users will find useful and valuable.

If you want to know what makes great quality content stand out from the rest check out my Ultimate Content Share Worthiness Checklist. This free checklist will help you judge whether your content is YouTube ready. Make sure you target the right audience. You may have excellent branding and content but if you target the wrong set of users no one will respond. Choose the right people by setting demographic and interest based targeting options. Use relevant topics and the right keywords for discoverability.

They are some of the secrets to succeeding in advertising on YouTube. Let me know if you have any other tips and tricks up your sleeve by commenting below. Share with me how you advertise on YouTube and if you want to learn more about YouTube marketing YouTube SEO and other great ways you can be successful in your business with video marketing, check out my free YouTube Checklist that will have your videos ranking like a pro.

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